Introducing Marvin Visions Typeface! Marvin Visions designed by Michael Chave in 1969 and published by Face Photosetting. Marvin Visions is one of the best Modern typeface free font.
It has been revived by Mathieu Triay for the identity of Visions, a new science fiction magazine that aims to be a literary introduction to the genre, mixing classic texts with new writing. Marvin Visions is a more modern and consistent reinterpretation of Marvin.
The bold weight is free to download for personal use. If you plan to use it commercially, you can get a pro licence for a mere £10 (~$14) for a limited time. You get unrestricted web and desktop use with it too. Read the full licence to understand what you can and cannot do (less than 350 words!).
New display weights and sub-headline weights are currently in progress. To support the development, you can pre-order the whole family — at least 3 additional weights — for £40 (release estimated at start of 2018). You’ll get the bold weight immediately. Sweet.
Marvin Visions Modern Typeface Free
License: Free for Personal Use!
Font Type: TTF / OTF
Stock: Unlimited
Format: .Zip
Total Files: 1